Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,

1. General Provisions

This Regulation is intended for the department for the organization of the educational process, the office of the registrar, the departments of the academy, participating in the organization of the educational process and the implementation of educational programs.

Responsible for the implementation of the process for organizing and conducting ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification are the Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work, Director of the Department for Organization of the Educational Process, Office of the Registrar.

2. The procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students at the Academy "Kainar"

2.1. The academic achievements of students in all types of educational tasks are assessed according to the point-rating system for assessing knowledge in accordance with the state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education.

2.2. The current control of students' progress is carried out on each topic of the academic discipline and includes control of knowledge in classroom and extracurricular classes. The assessment of current control (assessment of the admission rating) consists of assessments of current control in classrooms and estimates of midterm control.

2.3. With the current control of progress, as well as during the period of intermediate and final attestation, the educational achievements of students are assessed on a 100-point scale for each completed task (response in the current class, delivery of homework, student independent work (SRO), midterm control). The final result of the current control of progress is summed up by calculating the arithmetic mean of all grades received during the academic period.

2.4. Midterm control is carried out at least twice during one academic period (semester) within the same academic discipline.

2.5. Interim certification of students is carried out in the form of passing exams.

2.6. The organization and conduct of intermediate certification of students is assigned to the office of the registrar.

2.7. Based on the results of the interim certification, the office of the registrar compiles the academic rating of the students.

2.8. The exams are taken according to the schedule and serve as a form of checking the educational achievements of students throughout the curriculum of the discipline and are aimed at assessing academic achievements over the academic period.

2.9. The frequency and duration of examination sessions (winter and summer) for full-time education are determined in accordance with the working curriculum of the educational program and the academic calendar approved by the Academic Council of the Academy.

2.10. The schedule of exams for all forms of education is compiled by the office of the registrar together with the relevant departments, approved by the vice-rector for academic affairs and communicated to the students and faculty no later than two weeks before the start of the examination session.

2.11. To conduct the exam, examiners are appointed from among the leading professors, associate professors with qualifications corresponding to the profile of the given academic discipline, and, as a rule, who did not conduct training sessions in this academic group (stream).

2.12. The presence of persons not participating in the examination procedure is not allowed without written permission from the registrar's office.

2.13. In the submission signed by the head of the relevant department for admission to the examination session, the surname, name, patronymic, course, educational program and academic group of the student are indicated.

2.14. Admission to the examination session is carried out in two stages:

1) at the first stage, by the general order of the head of the department, students who do not have arrears in tuition fees, academic arrears for prerequisites, who are not on academic leave or on long-term treatment are admitted to the examination session;

2) at the second stage, automatic admission to the exam in the discipline is carried out based on the assessment of the admission rating, determined by the results of the current and midterm control of progress.

2.15. Students who do not have a positive assessment of the admission rating in this discipline are not allowed to the final control (exam).

Students who have not passed their term papers (projects) are not allowed to take the exam in the relevant discipline.

2.16. If a student during the semester did not score points for midterm controls for a valid documented reason (due to illness with the provision of supporting documents, etc.), he may be issued an appropriate permit to pass midterm controls within 10 days after the end of the session, for this, the student is obliged to meet with the teacher and determine the amount and types of work required to perform.

2.17. Exams are conducted in written, oral, test or combined forms. In the oral form, it is not allowed to pass two or more exams on one day. With the test form, it is allowed to establish a comprehensive exam in two or more disciplines in compliance with the principle of their profile and kinship.

2.18. The form and procedure for conducting an exam for each academic discipline is established no later than one month from the beginning of the academic period by the Academic Council of the Academy.

2.19. During the exam, students use the curriculum of the discipline and, with the permission of the examiner, reference literature.

2.20. To conduct the final control, the examiner is issued by the Registrar's office an examination sheet, in which the points and grades accumulated by the student during the academic period are put down, indicating the admission rating.

2.21. When conducting intermediate certification in an academic discipline, the mark obtained on the exam and the average score of the current control of progress during the academic period are taken into account.

2.22. The student's progress in the exam is assessed according to the point-rating letter system of knowledge assessment.

A positive mark (A-, A "excellent", B-, B, B +, C + ("good"), D-, D +, C-, C ("satisfactory") is recorded in the examination sheet for the academic discipline with indicating the credits accrued. The F mark "unsatisfactory" is recorded only on the examination sheet.

The maximum performance indicator for midterm controls in the discipline as a result is 100 points maximum for each midterm control, including the results of current controls. The results of midterm examinations are entered by the teacher into the midterm control list in the Platonus system no later than the following Monday after the certification week. Changes in the results of midterm control in order to improve them are not allowed.

2.23. Retaking a positive mark on the final control with the aim of increasing it in the same period of intermediate certification is not allowed.

2.24. The examination sheet is sent to the office of the Registrar, which is responsible for recording and accumulating the number of credits for all students throughout the entire period of study.

Subsequently, the examination sheet is transferred by the Office of the Registrar to the corresponding department of the academy. On the basis of the examination sheets of each academic discipline, a summary sheet for intermediate certification is kept.

2.25. To retake the exam from an “unsatisfactory” grade to a positive one, the student in the next academic period or in the summer semester again attends all types of training provided by the working curriculum for this discipline, receives admission and passes the final control. In this case, the student again goes through the registration procedure for the academic discipline.

2.26. If a student who has completed the discipline program in full, did not appear for the exam, in the examination sheet, a mark “did not appear” is made in front of his name. If there is a valid reason, the order of the head. the department for this student sets an individual schedule for passing the exam. In the absence of a valid reason, failure to appear for the exam is equivalent to the grade "unsatisfactory"

2.27. A student who disagrees with the result of the final control submits an appeal no later than the next working day after the exam.

2.28. For the period of the examination session (intermediate certification), by order of the president-rector of the academy, an appeal commission is created from among the teachers whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the disciplines appealed.

2.29. The results of the appeal are drawn up in a protocol and on the basis of its decision, an individual examination sheet for the student is drawn up, which is attached to the main examination sheet.

 2.31. A student who has completed the course program in full, but did not receive the minimum transfer score, in order to increase his average grade point (GPA), is given the opportunity to re-study individual disciplines on a paid basis in the summer semester (with the exception of the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan" which the state exam is passed) and re-pass the exams on them. If the result of re-passing the exam is positive, the final grade is re-calculated, which is recorded in the examination sheet and transcript. When calculating the average grade, the last grades in the academic discipline are taken into account. All final marks of the student are recorded in the transcript, including positive results of repeated exams.

2.32. A student left for a second course of study can study according to a previously adopted individual curriculum or form a new individual curriculum.

2.33. A student who has received the minimum level of the transfer score and transferred to the next course of study, in the presence of academic debt, re-studies the relevant disciplines on a paid basis and eliminates academic debt.

2.34. The results of exams and proposals for improving the educational process after the completion of the examination session (intermediate certification) are submitted for discussion at the meetings of the department and the Academic Council of the Academy.


3. Organization and conduct of the state exam in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan"


3.1. A mandatory requirement in all academic undergraduate programs of the Kainar Academy is the study of the history of Kazakhstan. Students of all undergraduate specialties pass the state exam in the discipline "History of Kazakhstan" upon completion of its study in the same academic period according to the approved academic calendar.

3.2. Students enrolled in shortened educational programs with an accelerated period of study on the basis of higher education do not study or pass the state exam in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan".

3.3. The working curriculum for the state exam in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan" is developed on the basis of a typical curriculum for this discipline and approved by the Academic Council of the Academy.

3.4. To take the state exam in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan", a state examination commission (SEC) is formed consisting of the chairman of the SEC and members of the commission for a calendar year. The candidacies of the chairman of the SEC and members of the commission are approved by the order of the president-rector based on the decision of the Academic Council.

3.5. The schedule of SEC meetings is drawn up by the registrar's office in accordance with the academic calendar and approved by the president-rector of the academy no later than two weeks before the start of the state exam. The duration of a GEC meeting does not exceed 6 (six) academic hours per day.

3.6. The results of passing the state exam in the discipline "Modern history of Kazakhstan" are assessed according to the point-rating letter system for assessing students' knowledge and are taken into account when summing up the results of the examination session in which it is provided. If a student receives an "unsatisfactory" grade on the state exam in the discipline "Modern History of Kazakhstan", he re-enrolls in this discipline on a paid basis, re-attends all types of studies in the next academic period or summer semester, fulfills the requirements of current control, receives admission and passes the state exam.

3.7. Retaking a positive mark on the state exam with the aim of increasing it is not allowed.


4. The procedure for the final certification of students in universities

4.1. The final certification of students at the Kainar Academy is carried out according to the forms established by the state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education, within the timeframes provided by the academic calendar and approved working curricula.

The final certification of undergraduate students is carried out in the form of passing a comprehensive exam and defending a thesis (project) or passing comprehensive exams in a specialty and two major disciplines. The final attestation of graduate students includes a comprehensive examination and the defense of a master's thesis.

4.2. To conduct the final certification of students, an attestation commission (AC) is created for each educational program or groups of educational programs for all forms of education. Head departments until November 10 of this year submit to the department for the organization of the educational process the candidacies of the chairmen of the AK from among professors, associate professors, scientists, teachers, experienced production specialists and teachers with practical experience, corresponding to the profile of the graduated specialists, and not working in this university. The candidacies of the chairman and members of the AC are approved by order of the president-rector of the academy based on the decision of the Academic Council no later than January 10 of the current year and are valid during the current calendar year. The quantitative composition of the AK is determined by the academy.

4.3. Admission to the final certification of students is issued by order of the academy according to the list of students no later than two weeks before the start of the final certification and is submitted to the AC. The admission of undergraduates to the defense of dissertation work is carried out by the order of the President-Rector of the Kainar Academy.

Students who have completely completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the working and individual curriculum and working curricula are allowed to the final certification. Students of the final course who have not fulfilled the requirements of the work and individual curriculum and work curriculum remain for a second course of study without passing the summer semester.

4.4. The schedule of work of the AK is drawn up by the service of the office of the registrar and approved by the president-rector of the academy and communicated to the general information no later than two weeks before the start of work of the SAC.

4.5. Themes and leaders of theses / projects of the graduate students of the undergraduate course are approved by the order of the president-rector of the academy by a general list submitted by the departments indicating the place of work and position held at the beginning of the graduation course.

4.6. Themes of master's dissertations are approved during the first two months of training by order of the President-Rector of the Academy on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the Kainar Academy.

4.7. Reviewing of the thesis / master's thesis is carried out only by external specialists from third-party organizations, whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the work being defended.

4.8. A comprehensive exam is taken no later than one month before the defense of a master's thesis.

4.9. The Kainar Academy independently develops and approves work programs for state examinations in specialties, programs for comprehensive examinations in magistracy, the technology for their implementation on the basis of the curricula of the disciplines included in this exam.

4.10. Defense of the thesis (master's thesis), held at an open meeting of the AK.

4.11. Instead of defending the thesis (projects), it is allowed to take two state exams in the major disciplines of the specialty (educational program), if the student:

is undergoing long-term treatment in a hospital (more than one month) on the basis of a medical certificate of health;

raising a child under the age of 3 on the basis of a child's birth certificate;

takes care of sick parents on the basis of a medical certificate of the health status of the parents;

disabled person on the basis of a medical certificate of disability.

4.12. The student defends his graduation work (thesis / project or master's thesis) in the presence of a positive review of the scientific advisor. If the supervisor gives a negative conclusion "not allowed to defend", the student does not defend the final work.

4.13. Students must publish at least one scientific publication on the topic of the master's thesis.

4.14. Theses (projects), master's theses are subject to mandatory plagiarism checks before defense.

4.15. The results of passing state and comprehensive examinations and defense of diploma works, master's theses are announced on the day of their holding. Decisions on defense assessments, as well as on awarding qualifications, awarding an academic degree and issuing a state-recognized diploma (without distinction, with honors) are made by the AK at a closed meeting by open vote by a simple majority of votes of the members of the commission who participated in the meeting.

4.16. Re-passing the state / comprehensive exam and defending the thesis (master's thesis) in order to increase the positive mark is not allowed.

Persons who have received unsatisfactory marks are not allowed to retake the comprehensive exam during this period of final certification. Health documents submitted to the AK after receiving an unsatisfactory grade are not considered.

4.17. A master student who did not appear for a comprehensive exam for a good reason writes a statement addressed to the chairman of the AK, submits a supporting document and can take the exam on another day of the commission meeting. A master student who has passed a comprehensive examination for a positive assessment is allowed to defend a master's thesis.

4.18. Upon receiving the grade "F-unsatisfactory", retaking state exams and / or re-defense of the thesis (master's thesis) during this period of final certification is not allowed.

4.19. In cases where the defense of the thesis (project) / master's thesis is recognized as unsatisfactory, the AK provides an opportunity for re-defense of the same work with revision or the development of a new topic.

4.20. Students who received an “unsatisfactory” grade at the final attestation are expelled from the university by order of the president-rector of the academy with the issuance of a certificate of the established form.

4.21. The repeated final certification is carried out in the next period of the final certification only for those forms, according to which the rating "unsatisfactory" was received in the previous final certification. At the same time, the list of disciplines submitted for state / comprehensive exams for persons who did not pass these exams is determined by the approved working curriculum, in force in the year the student graduates from the theoretical course.

4.22. To re-pass the final certification, a student expelled from the academy, no later than two weeks before the start of the final certification of the next academic year, writes an application addressed to the president of the academy for permission to admit to those forms for which the grade "F-unsatisfactory" was obtained. The student is allowed to retake the state / comprehensive exam and / or re-defense of the final work only on a paid basis.

4.23. A student who has passed the final certification and confirmed the development of the corresponding professional curriculum of higher education, by the decision of the AK, is assigned a qualification and (or) an academic degree "bachelor" in the relevant specialty and is issued a state diploma with an attachment.

A student who has passed the final attestation and confirmed the development of the relevant professional master's curriculum, by the decision of the AC, is awarded the qualification and (or) the academic degree "master" in the relevant specialty and is issued a state diploma with an attachment.

The main criterion for the completeness of the educational process for the preparation of masters is the mastering of the educational program by the master's student in the volume provided for by the State Compulsory Standard of Postgraduate Education.

In case of early development of the master's educational program and the successful defense of the dissertation, the student is awarded an academic master's degree, regardless of the period of study.

4.25. A bachelor student who has passed exams and differentiated tests with grades A, A - "excellent", B-, B, B + "good" and has a GPA for the entire period of study of at least 3.5, as well as passed all state exams and those who defended their thesis (project) with grades A, A- "excellent" are issued a diploma with honors.

A student who, during the period of study, had retake or repeated exams, does not receive an honors degree.

4.26. Undergraduates who have mastered the full course of theoretical study of the educational program, but have not completed the research (experimental and research) component, are given the opportunity to re-master the credits of the research component and defend their thesis in the next academic year on a paid basis. In this case, only unused loans of the research (experimental and research) component are subject to payment.


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