Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
27 december

The Center of Modern Psychotechnology and Practical Psychology by “Kainar” Academy for students and employees organized classes on teaching dance, yoga, body-oriented psychology and dance-motor therapy.

Leading: Kim Marina Valentinovna - lawyer, psychologist, coach, coach in body-oriented psychology and dance movement therapy, President of the public Association "Club “Ecology of life", co-founder of the women's club "Umay", member of the Association of psychologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2007, multiple winner of various dance competitions, Instructor of women's yoga and various dance directions.

Classes are held regularly in the gym of the “Kainar” Academy on Tuesday and Thursday at 16:00 and 18:00.


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