Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
6 february

On January 27, 2020, the Kazakhstan psychological intensive course was opened at the Kainar Academy – 2020 "Modern practical psychology in different spheres of human activity", which was attended by famous national psychologists- practitioners, teachers, psychologists, doctors-psychotherapists, experts in the related professions of education, law, social and business spheres, as well as students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy "Kainar" and other universities majoring in Psychology, as well as all who are interested in advanced knowledge and psycho in psychology and psychological health of a person.

The organizers of the intensive are the Center for modern psychotechnologies and practical psychology of the Kainar Academy, the Department of Pedagogy, psychology and social disciplines of the Kainar Academy and the Kazakhstan psychological society.


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