Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
The  “Q” UNIVERSITY” development program includes the vision, mission, values and strategic priorities of the development direction, and the target indicators reflect the strategic goals and objectives of the University for 2024-2028.
The goal of “Q” UNIVERSITY” and this Development Program is to move from a classical learning system to an educational ecosystem, providing training and building a graduate model of ecosystem university 3.0.
“Q” UNIVERSITY” requires the fulfillment of five key principles:
a joint project under the auspices of "Collaboration" with leading Kazakhstani and foreign OVPO;
a system of joint partnership for the development and implementation of dual degree training programs;
formation of startup incubators;
formation of a platform for solving common tasks and common values;
joint positioning and close cooperation with employers and partners to create innovative and investment relationships.
The vision of “Q” UNIVERSITY”:
a platform for the development of scientific research and innovation;
achievements of academic excellence;
improving corporate governance;
education of a social personality;
creating a digital ecosystem.
The mission of “Q” UNIVERSITY”:
       "High-quality education today, a secure future tomorrow!"
Values of “Q” UNIVERSITY”:
Quality (Quality),
Qualification (Qualification of graduates),
Quest (Search, aspiration).
Strategic priorities of “Q” UNIVERSITY”:
      5.1. Academic activity - ensuring the academic excellence of the University and expanding the scope of its academic influence among competitive universities.
      5.2. Scientific activity is the creation of a sustainable ecosystem for the development of fundamental and applied research.
      5.3. The third mission of the University
Increasing influence in the field of advanced development of technological potential and ensuring the global positioning of the country.
Modernization of the University's management system and structure in order to ensure academic freedom, dynamic development and financial stability.
The introduction of environmental management principles through saving electricity and water, the transition to eco-transport, the abandonment of the use of plastic bags and bottles in fast food outlets.

Программа развития на 2024 – 2028гг.

Программа развития Академии Кайнар 2021г.

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