Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,

The Academic School "General Education Subjects" is a structural division of the University "Q". The academic school implements the educational process in the subjects of the compulsory component of the OOD block at the bachelor's and master's levels in all educational institutions.

The mission of the academic school is the formation of a socially active personality with a philosophical worldview, high political consciousness and culture, nurturing a sense of patriotism, developing elements of critical thinking, personal and professional culture of students.

The goal of the academic school is to train highly qualified, competitive specialists based on the achievements of modern science and practice through continuous professional development and the development of creative initiative.

The objectives of the academic school are to form ideological, civic and moral positions of a competitive future specialist, create communication programs in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, focus on a healthy lifestyle, self-improvement and professional success; the formation of a general system of competencies that ensures the sociocultural development of a future specialist based on the formation of knowledge and sciences, the formation of a personality capable of mobility, critical thinking and mental abilities in the modern world, and self-improvement.

The composition of the academic school teachers: 16 teachers, including teachers with scientific titles (academician, doctor, candidate of sciences) - 9, master's degree, senior teacher - 8.

Activities of academic school teachers: research works of professors and teaching staff work in the most relevant areas of modern science. In order to improve their professional qualifications, they participate in scientific and methodological training seminars for specialists from near and far abroad and use innovative technologies in the education system in the teaching process. Actively participates in international conferences, symposia and colloquia.

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