Сатпаева 7а (уг. ул. Сейфуллина)
г. Алматы,
The mission of the Academic School of General Education Disciplines is the formation of a socially active personality with a humanistic worldview, high political consciousness and culture, fostering a sense of patriotism, developing elements of critical thinking, personal and professional culture among students.
The objectives of the Academic School of General Education disciplines are to train highly qualified, competitive specialists based on the achievements of modern science and practice, through continuous improvement of competence and development of creative initiative.
To provide objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of modern Kazakhstan, to bring to the consciousness of students the essence of the fundamental problems of history, to teach them scientific methods of historical knowledge, to form their scientific worldview and civic position.
To teach students to analyze philosophical, political, social and cultural phenomena and processes taking place in the state and society. To promote the correct and competent use by students of the acquired knowledge in the professional field.
Tasks of the Academic School of General Education disciplines
– development of the content and methods of teaching humanities and social sciences;
– preparation and implementation of innovative educational programs;
– maximum use of the creative potential of the teaching staff;
– using the capabilities of the department in the process of forming professional competencies.
Functions of the Academic School of General Education disciplines:
– Conducting all types of training sessions according to the forms of training;
– Holding meetings to discuss planned and current issues of educational, methodological, scientific, educational work of the department.
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